mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

E se c'è un segreto è...

Anche se in ritardo ecco il doveroso post sul CONCERTO.
Tutto maiuscolo perchè il biglietto è stato emesso il 21/11/2009 alle 14.57 e al concerto sono andata il 3/5/2010 alle 21.00...sei mesi di attesa.
Nonostante i cambiamenti dell'ultimo minuto, le novità, gli inconvenienti, la stanchezza accumulata, è stato bellissimo. Tanta gente ma non troppa, tante canzoni nuove ma anche tantissime vecchie, ottima compagnia, hot dog e birra per cena, ritorno a casa senza voce.
Chi ha avuto, come me, la fortuna di assistere ad una tappa dell'Heart Tour 2010 di Elisa avrà avuto la sensazione di essere a teatro: coreografie favolose, balletti, luci, scenografie... e la sua voce. Qualcosa di incredibile.
Ad un certo punto, mentre intonava il ritornello di The Waves (in assoluto una delle mie preferite), la Ale mi ha sussurrato "Ma è in playback, vero???". No, non era in playback, semplicemente aveva poco di umano.
Una serata di brividi, magone, cuore in gola, eccitazione e nostalgia...proprio come speravo che fosse!
Voglio concludere con il testo di una canzone, istintivamente ne sceglierei una datata, oppure tra le più recenti opterei per Mad World, ma preferisco qualcosa che mi rispecchi senza inquietudine, che con un bel testo e una buona melodia racconti qualcosa di me senza tristezze.


Underground rivers of love that we
Can’t see
Wish they could reach the sunlight
To show us the way
To live life without hate and set us free
Hit me right through the heart now
And flow in the sea

Cherish the wounds and heal every scar
Take this fear that i feel and pull it out
kick it out

This is the beautiful land
Were I was born
The nature, the colors that i love
The place in this world that i belong

This is the beautiful land were I
Was born
The nature, the lining of my soul
The place where I will always return

See the beautiful stars above us like
Shine like dust in the sun in their
Giant time
Closing your eyes it’s easy to disappear
Dreaming of distant places, and wake
Right here

Cherish the wounds and heal every scar
Take this fear that i feel and pull it out
kick it out

This is the beautiful land
Were I was born
The nature, the colors that i love
The place in this world that i belong
This is the beautiful land were i
Was born
The nature, the lining of my soul
The place where I will always return

I’ve learned everything here…this is my
This is my home… and if you really…
Want to know me… please, come over
Have a look…

Cherish the wounds and heal every scar
Take this fear that i feel and pull it out
kick it out

This is the beautiful land were we
were born
The nature, the colors that we love
The place in this world that we belong
This is the beautiful land were we
Were born
The nature, the lining of my soul
The place where we will always return

This is the beautiful land were we
were born
The nature, the colors that we love
The place in this world that we belong
This is the beautiful land were we
Were born
The nature, the lining of my soul
The place where we will always return

This is the beautiful land were we
were born
The nature, the colors that we love
The place in this world that we belong
This is the beautiful land were we
Were born
The nature, the lining of my soul
The place where we will always return

Lisert… lisert… lisert… lisert…


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